Fall seven times and get up eight!

Fall seven times and get up eight! The eighth time around it will be actually getting easier! ⁣⁣
We should all practice to fall a lot more and making getting up a byproduct of it. The more we do this, the less the “getting up” part is going to stress us out. ⁣⁣
It’s our own judgement of ourselves and others that looks down on people who have tried things and failed (or at least failed temporarily). ⁣⁣
No matter if we are having a bit (or a lot) of bad luck or having made bad decisions for ourselves, it’s temporary. We won’t stay in that place forever. We will get up and we will be fine (and if we’re not fine, there is a world full of helping hands out there!) ⁣⁣
Sending love 💕