Simple and effective happiness tip: Plan some fun!

PLAN some fun! ⁣⁣
Depending where you live, you might still be in the pandemic and not able to do much socially, but there are always ways to have some good old fun. No agenda, just stuff to enjoy.  
For people in the UK, in case we have forgotten how it works, yes, we can plan fun. ⁣⁣
We just need to DO it, otherwise we might be waiting a long time until friends get in touch, or some other magic happens. ⁣⁣
Fun doesn’t necessarily just knock on the door, sometimes it just happens, but why wait? ⁣⁣
When we are talking about gratitude and well-being, we should also be grateful that we are in control (!) to plan some good times.⁣⁣
We know ourselves best and we know what we love doing, so get to the calendar, book it and take action to get yourself something to look forward to. ⁣⁣
If you plan fun, you have the happiness of anticipation AND the happiness ⁣⁣
of enjoying whatever it is that brings you joy! ⁣⁣
Have you planned some fun today? ⁣⁣